Brand Design. Web Design & Development | 2017


Film post-production and VFX specialist Biktor Kero established himself as a freelancer in 2016, after a decade working in several companies' Audiovisual Department. A personal brand plus a website - where to display his portfolio and services - was badly needed to help him kickstart this adventure.


The visual design guidelines for this project were set towards Biktor's main request: to have something simple, yet attractive and polished. On that grounds, I created a straightforward brand and a website, based on a restricted palette of colours and fonts.


With a single colour and visual inspiration drawn from the distinctive look of celluloid film, I designed a logo as simple as effective in communicating Biktor's professional scope.

As for the website, its UI was based on a Bootstrap template, whose structure and appearance I modified extensively to make it fit with the website's copywriting narrative tempo. Although this website is no longer online, there is a video demo which shows what browsing the web page looked like.

BIKTOR KERO | Website [layout & navigation: click here]


Biktor Kero
Art direction Alexis Cruzado
Brand design Alexis Cruzado
Brand applications Alexis Cruzado
Web design Alexis Cruzado
Web development Alexis Cruzado
Brand design Adobe Illustrator
Web design Adobe Photoshop
Web development Bootstrap | Sublime Text | HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript
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